You may be asking yourself a lot about this treatment. Will it cost a leg and arm? (It isn’t that expensive anymore, and at Beauty Bar Med Spa you always get the best deal. Would it hurt? (Not at all times, and not as you may picture it) and is it even effective? (On specific body parts it works perfectly). Contrary to popular belief laser treatment is not expensive, permanent or a risky treatment. It works far much better than your normal hair removal and with the right pair of hands on the job at Beauty Bar Med Spa, you are sure that scarring and all those other horror stories will just remain stories.
So if you want to take the bold step towards laser hair removal whether a man (For the blokes who are not happy with a chest full of hair) or woman you are making the right choice and you will be happy with the results. In this post, I am going to give you tips on taking the laser treatment voyage.
Is it a No Pain No Gain Treatment?
The pain that comes with this treatment has been described as manageable. I will let you in on one secret here; ensure that you follow strictly the schedule you agreed on with your therapist. Usually, it takes six weeks between treatments. The longer you take to go for the next treatment the more pain you will have to endure. You do not want to go through that experience.
Shave the area you want Lasered
You will thank me for this tip no doubt. A day or two to your appointment it is advisable to shave the areas you want to be lasered, ensure you shave all areas do not forget the private places that are likely to be forgotten. More so if you are going for the Brazilian. I am not saying you have to do this but some places charge to shave you and if you are like most people I am sure you will prefer to just shave. It will be the last time you have to shave anyway.
How Long Does Laser Treatment Take?
A laser treatment is normally a quick procedure depending on your technician’s preferred style and how long you rest after finding it painful, your endurance will be put to test here. A normal one may take up to as little as three minutes, while a Brazilian treatment may last up to between ten and fifteen minutes. Every single zap kills a hair in a second and here is the really cool part no area gets to be zapped twice. So even if it hurts it won't be for long. Here is something we can both agree on: A laser hair removal treatment is something you can do during your lunch break.
Best Type of Skin for Laser Treatment
Light skin and dark hair is the perfect combination for an effective laser treatment. That, however, has changed; there are other types of laser treatments that suit different types of skin. Dark skin and dark hair have their own laser treatment made specifically for them, so do not avoid laser hair removal treatment, your skin and hair color have been catered for.
Body Parts Ideal for Laser Hair Removal
The only no-go zone for laser hair removal is the eyes, eyebrows stay out of this. All the other parts are fair play. This encompasses the famous Brazilian treatment, that stubborn hair on your chin or any hair that is stubborn enough to be in places that it should not be in the first place.
To Tan or Not
If you plan to have laser treatment a tan should have preceded at least four weeks before a laser treatment. After the treatment, it is advisable to stay for at least two weeks before getting a tan.
You will love the permanent results of laser treatment. Wear sleeveless clothes and raise your arms confidently and change into your swimsuit anytime anywhere. Ensure you choose the right place for experienced and licensed technicians. In Georgia, Beauty Bar Med Spa is a perfect choice. It is a clean place with amazing staff and runs a lot of promotions. Schedule an appointment; You will not regret.