Most cosmetic procedures are meant to give long- or short-term temporary results that promote a youthful appearance. They often need to be redone time and time again and can sometimes have the opposite effect if done one too many times. It’s no secret that cosmetic surgeries tend to go too far in some situations. Like with everything in life, balance and moderation is necessary. One of the benefits to PDO threading that stands out against other procedures is its ability to promote new collagen in the skin.
This promotion is in addition to the immediate results the threading will result in. If you cannot afford the costly invasive cosmetic procedures and are wanting a more natural approach that will not only benefit your appearance but also the health of your skin, then PDO threading is an option to explore. In this article we will discuss how PDO threads promote new collagen growth and why collagen is essential to keeping up healthy, young looking skin.
What causes our skin to look aged?
There are numerous factors that can cause our skin to age quickly, however almost every factor will point back to collagen and elasticity. Below are 3 factors that affect our skin negatively:
1. Hormones:
as we age, our hormones fluctuate, and our levels will decrease or increase. Unfortunately, these changes are inevitable as we get older and we don’t have much control over them. Fluctuations lead to a decrease in collagen and skin elasticity.
2. The Sun:
prolonged exposure to UV rays from the sun damages collagen and elastin fibers in the skin, causing it to become thinner, drier, and more prone to wrinkles.
3. Genetics:
Some people may be more genetically predisposed to aging skin due to variations in their DNA that affects collagen and elastin production.
Even if you avoid the above factors, aging will still progress and result in the loss of facial fat, most noticeably around the cheeks, neck, and near the eyes. You’ll also notice the firmness of your skin decreasing as you lose elasticity. But have no worries, PDO threading can not only give you a lift but also promote new healthy growth of collagen and increased elasticity!
What is collagen and why is it important?
Collagen is important for our skin because it plays a crucial role in providing structure, support, and elasticity to our facial tissues. Collagen is the most abundant protein in the human body yet will lose it overtime and develop sagging, wrinkles, and fine lines.
When PDO threads are inserted, they trigger fibroblasts to produce new collagen and restore elasticity. The threads are FDA approved and fully absorbable. So, while the thread sutures will give you an immediate lift, as they dissolve over the year, they will be replaced with new collagen growth. PDO threading is two in one when it comes to both appearance and skin health.
Which PDO threading promotes the most collagen growth?
There are three types of PDO threads: mono, cog, and screw. Mono threads are arguably the best for collagen restoration because they are smooth sutures versus barbed or high volume and make your skin tighter and thicker.
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